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eMed Membership

Join eMed: Society of Engineers in Medicine to gain access to valuable alumni resources and to receive first priority to our events! 


All students, undergraduate and graduate, of Cornell University are eligible to join.


To join, please first fill out the Membership Application below. 


If you would like to be added to eMed's listserv, or have any further questions about any of the information on the slides, please email


For all students, membership dues are $10 for life. After filling out the Membership Application, please pay dues via Venmo to our treasurer @shammu. Please include your netID as a comment on your Venmo payment! You may also pay the $10 due during any of our regular monthly g-body meetings. 


After paying $10, you will receive an email containing the password for the Members Only page. Please safeguard this password, and do not share with other students. 


Members who do not pay dues can still attend eMed events, participate in the Peer Advising program, and will still be on the eMed email list-serv!


Members who have paid their dues receive: 

  • Access to the eMed Online Database, which has first-hand advice from Engineering alumni who are now medical students or doctors, applicant outcomes specific to Engineering majors, information on the best classes to take for pre-med engineers, and other resources available only through the eMed Online Database. 

  • Volunteering service opportunities with eMed

  • Discounts at all eMed activities and events that require an entrance fee

  • Study group pairing and study aids 


If you have any trouble paying the membership dues or have any questions about the Membership Application, please feel free to contact us. 


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